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behaviours 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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behaviours, plural; behaviors, plural;
  1. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, esp. toward others
    • - good behavior
    • - his insulting behavior toward me
  2. The way in which an animal or person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus
    • - the feeding behavior of predators
  3. The way in which a natural phenomenon or a machine works or functions
    • - the erratic behavior of the old car

  1. (behaviour) behavior: the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances; "the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments"
  2. (behaviour) behavior: (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
  3. (behavioural) behavioral: of or relating to behavior; "behavioral sciences"
  4. Behavior, or behaviour (see American and British spelling differences), refers to the actions of a system or organism , usually in relation to its environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical environment. ...
  5. (Behaviour (Saga album)) Behaviour is the sixth studio album by the Canadian progressive rock band Saga, and was originally released in 1985, two years after the moderately successful Heads or Tales. ...
  6. (behaviour) The way matter moves or acts
  7. (behaviour) morality consisting in good: abhisamācārikasīla (q.v.) .
  8. (8. BEHAVIOUR) Ballyhass Lakes Holiday Homes reserves the right to refuse to hand over any home to any person who, in the opinion of the management, is not suitable to take charge. ...
  9. (10. Behaviour) Villa Pape reserves the right to judge acceptable levels of noise or behaviour of Clients, guests or representatives, who must take all steps for corrective action as requested by Villa Pape. ...
  10. (8.6 Behaviour (of an object)) A collection of actions with a set of constraints on when they may occur.
  11. (Behaviour) (Last edited: Wednesday, 7 July 2010, 02:36 PM)
  12. (Behaviour) Altruism - cooperation - foraging - learning - parental care - sexual conflict - territoriality
  13. (Behaviour) An external, verifiable activity we produce or engage in.
  14. (Behaviour) Another name for a Rule. "behavior" as the parameter of the kind tag in a config.txt file specifies that the asset is a Rule.
  15. (Behaviour) Any human activity, this includes internal thought processes, such as visual, auditory or kinaesthetic processing and involuntary as well as involuntary movement such as blinking or heart beat.
  16. (Behaviour) Our physical actions through which we interact with people and environment around us.
  17. (Behaviour) Physical, mental, and emotional activity.
  18. (Behaviour) Sailors are expected to know the essentials of boating safety which include right-of-way rules, lights, signals and various rules designed to support safe navigation. ...
  19. (Behaviour) The activity or pattern of activity of the cat (also spelt behavior)
  20. (Behaviour) The hotel reserves the right to remove from the premises any guest who does not comply with these terms and conditions, is deemed to be a risk to health and safety, or whose behaviour the proprietors feel is unacceptable. ...
  21. (Behaviour) The performance of a ship in a seaway or under canvas is generally termed by sailors her "behaviour."
  22. (Behaviour) The total collection of actions and reactions exhibited by a person. Something that can be measured objectively.
  23. (Behaviour) What we do and how we do it.
  24. (Behaviour) Write learning objectives in terms of an observable, behavioural outcome; essentially, learning objectives should provide a description of what the student will be able to do. ...
  25. (Behaviour) the term given to the things that people do that can be directly observed.