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befriended 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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befriending, present participle; befriended, past participle; befriends, 3rd person singular present; befriended, past tense;
  1. Act as a friend to (someone) by offering help or support

  1. (befriend) become friends with; "John and Eric soon became friends"; "Have you made friends yet in your new environment?"
  2. Befriended is the sixth studio album from The Innocence Mission.
  3. (befriend) To make a friend of; To act as a friend to
  4. (Befriending) This is when a disabled young person is allocated a specific support worker - a befriender - who may take them out or support them to attend an activity or event.
  5. Befriending involves the matching of volunteers to visit and/or take part in social and leisure activities with another person.