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beers, plural;
  1. An alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavored with hops
    • - a pint of beer
    • - I'm dying for a beer
  2. Any of several other fermented drinks
    • - ginger beer

  1. (beer) a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops
  2. Bears or Beers is a small village in the Dutch province of Friesland.VUGA's Alfabetische Plaatsnamengids van Nederland (13th edition), VUGA, 1997. It is located in the municipality Littenseradiel, about 8 km southwest of Leeuwarden. ...
  3. Beers is a village in the Dutch municipality of Cuijk. It is located about 4 km west of Cuijk. Beers has a population of about 1780: 1340 in the village itself, and 440 in the surrounding countryside, including the hamlets De Plaats and Dommelsvoort. ...
  4. Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably the oldest of alcoholic beverages; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. ...
  5. (Beer (Blackadder)) "Beer" is the fifth episode of the BBC sitcom Blackadder II, the second series of Blackadder, which was set in Elizabethan England from 1558 to 1603. ...
  6. (Beer (film)) Beer, a.k.a. The Selling of America, is a 1985 comedy film produced by Orion Pictures that satirizes the advertising industry, specifically the TV commercial industry.
  7. (Beer (lunar crater)) Beer is a relatively small lunar impact crater located on the Mare Imbrium, to the east of the crater Timocharis. Just to the northwest is the matching twin Feuillée.
  8. (beer) An alcoholic drink fermented from starch material commonly barley malt, often with hops or some other substance to impart a bitter flavor; A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc; A solution produced by steeping plant ...
  9. (Beer) Fateful of disappointments if drinking from a bar. To see others drinking, work of designing intriguers will displace your fairest hopes. To habitus of this beverage, harmonious prospectives are foreshadowed, if pleasing, natural and cleanly conditions survive. ...
  10. (Beer) A fermented beverage made from barley. hops, water, and yeast, and sometimes other ingredients.
  11. (Beer) Beverage brewed from malted barley and other grains cultured with yeast and flavored with hops. There are many varieties including ale, porter, malt liquor, bock and lager.
  12. (Beer) A general term for all fermented malt beverages flavored with hops. A low level (6 to 12 percent) alcohol solution derived from the fermentation of mash by microorganisms.
  13. (BEER) Beneficiary Earnings Exchange Record
  14. (BEER) Any beverage obtained by the alcoholic fermentation or infusion of barley, malt, hops or other ingredients, or any combination of them. ARS 4-101(3).
  15. (BEER) The word comes from the Latin, “bibere,” meaning to drink, and is the name for the fermented malt beverages.  There are numerous types of beer commonly classed as Lager Beer, Ale, Bock Beer, Porter and Stout.  See Pinkies Beer Terminology Sheet under “Beers”
  16. (Beer (Bier)) Beer is a beverage created by the alcoholic fermentation of hops, yeast, malt and water. Only barley malt be used for bottom-fermented beer, while wheat, rye or spelt can be used for top-fermented beer. Beer was man's first alcoholic drink. ...
  17. (Beer) A popular matchcover category whose advertisement mentions beer products, breweries, ales, beer brands, or other related beer advertisement. Also includes here are exclusive beer distributors.
  18. (Beer) An alcohol drink brewed from malts and hops.
  19. (Beer) Any fermenting or fermented, non-distilled, grain-based beverage.
  20. (Beer) As well as meaning the specific drink, 'beer' can also sometimes be used to refer to anything alcoholic, as in 'Where's me beer gone?'
  21. (Beer) Chief product of Lee's Brewery!
  22. (Beer) Grains, which have been malted (allowed to sprout and then immediately heated) are mashed and soaked (brewed) to allow the starches in the grain to convert to sugar. ...
  23. (Beer) Hashing beverage of choice; also referred to as Piss.
  24. (Beer) Hiking, Canyoneering, etc. recovery beverage
  25. (Beer) If you have beer to offer me, I’m like some sort of dancing monkey… And a couple of hours later, I’m like a drunken dancing monkey.