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beeps, plural;
  1. (of a horn or electronic device) Produce such a sound
    • - radio receivers squawked and beeped
  2. Summon (someone) by means of a pager
    • - they have themselves beeped in restaurants
  1. A short, high-pitched sound emitted by electronic equipment or a vehicle horn

  1. (beep) a short high tone produced as a signal or warning
  2. (beep) honk: make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"
  3. (beep) call, summon, or alert with a beeper
  4. The Beeps is an animated pre-school children's television series of 65 x 11 minute episodes, produced using computer-generated imagery (CGI) by Impossible Television for the United Kingdom television network, Channel Five Broadcasting Ltd. ...
  5. (BEEP) In computer networking, BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol) is a framework for creating network application protocols. It is intended to abstract-out the common features that have traditionally been duplicated in each protocol implementation. ...
  6. (Beep (Bobby Valentino song)) "Beep" is the first official single off Bobby Valentino's third studio album The Rebirth. The single features Yung Joc and is produced by Mississippi native Big Fruit.
  7. (Beep (locomotive)) The "Beep" (also referred to as the SWBLW) is a one-of-a-kind switcher locomotive built in 1970 by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway at its Cleburne, Texas workshops. ...
  8. (Beep (song)) "Beep" is the third single released by American recording group the Pussycat Dolls' from their debut album PCD. "Beep" was a moderate success worldwide, having scored within the top twenty on the majority of the charts on which it was rated. ...
  9. (Beep (sound)) A beep is a single tone onomatopoeia, generally made by a computer or a machine.
  10. (beep) The sound produced by the horn of a car, or any similar sound; A short, electronically produced tone; To sound (something that makes a beep); To have intercourse (with); To produce a beep
  11. (Beep) The starting sound from an electronic, computerized timing system.
  12. (Beep) Sometimes the register will beep when a coupon is scanned to indicate that the cashier need to take an action, like entering a price.
  13. (BEEP) This refers to an audible sound that occurs signaling a specific event, ie. Keyboard key pressed, Signal received or other event.
  14. (Beep) A short duration sound track tone aligned to a point on the film for precise reference in synchronization in the editing and printing processes.
  15. (Beep) A swear word spoken by Proffesor Rumbridge. Considered highly offensive.
  16. (Beep) Best eEurope Practices. The Beep project collects, analyses and refines good (best) practices through case studies in the Beep domains.
  17. (Beep) Can you guess the horn? Play along with James every weekday afternoon from 5pm
  18. (Beep) The sound a register makes when it recognizes a coupon discount is scanned
  19. (Beep) Verb. To use a magnetic detector to look for iron pipe, etc.
  20. (beep) An audio signal used for alerting or warning, as on the soundtrack of a videotape for editing or notice of the forthcoming beginning of a scene, program, or commercial.
  21. Beep is a nickname that comes from "Baby Geep" (GP engine). A beep is a drastically shortened engine that resembles a GP. There are no beeps in the real world--beeps are just toy/model engines. Click here to see a size comparison.