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beefsteaks 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beefsteaks, plural;
  1. A thick slice of lean beef, typically from the rump and eaten grilled, broiled, or fried

  1. (beefsteak) a beef steak usually cooked by broiling
  2. (Beefsteak (tomato)) Beefsteak tomatoes are the largest varieties of cultivated tomatoes, some weighing or more. Most are pink or red with numerous small seed compartments distributed throughout the fruit, sometimes displaying pronounced ribbing similar to ancient pre-Columbian tomato cultivars. ...
  3. (Beefsteak) A type of tomato rather than a variety (although there really is a particular variety named 'Beefsteak.') Usually considered a large, irregular shaped tomato with solid flesh.
  4. (Beefsteak) these are the biggest tomatoes, and have a meaty texture with a sweet, mellow flavour. They are good for salads, grilling or stuffing.