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bedspreads 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bedspreads, plural;
  1. A decorative cloth used to cover a bed

  1. (bedspread) decorative cover for a bed
  2. A comforter (American English) is a type of blanket. Comforters are intended to keep the user warm, especially during sleep, although they can also be used as mattress pads. ...
  3. (Bedspread) Bedding refers to the materials laid above the mattress of a bed for warmth and decorative effect. Bedding does not include the mattress, box spring or bed frame. Down materials are often used for warmth in bedding.
  4. (bedspread) The topmost covering of a bed, often functioning as a blanket; A coverlet; A counterpane
  5. (Bedspread) A decorative bed covering that covers the entire bed and reaches to the floor on each side and the foot.
  6. (Bedspread) An outer bed cover, usually decorative. May include duvet covers, comforters, coverlets or quilts.