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bedraggle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. make wet and dirty, as from rain
  2. (bedraggled) limp and soiled as if dragged in the mud; "the beggar's bedraggled clothes"; "scarecrows in battered hats or draggled skirts"
  3. (bedraggled) in deplorable condition; "a street of bedraggled tenements"; "a broken-down fence"; "a ramshackle old pier"; "a tumble-down shack"
  4. Dilapidation is a term meaning in general a falling into decay, but more particularly used in the plural in English law for # the waste committed by the incumbent of an ecclesiastical living # the disrepair for which a tenant is usually liable when he has agreed to give up his premises in good ...
  5. To make something wet and limp
  6. (bedraggled) wet and limp; unkempt; decaying, decrepit or dilapidated