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bedouins 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (bedouin) a member of a nomadic tribe of Arabs
  2. The Bedouin (from the Arabic '' (بدوي), pl. badw'') are a part of the predominantly desert-dwelling Arab ethnic group, where Arab ethnicity is divided into three lifestyles, of the urban, rural and nomad people.
  3. (bedouin) A generic name for a desert-dweller; a term generally applied to Arab nomadic groups
  4. (Bedouin) An Arabic group, mostly desert Nomads, but many settled in Israel.
  5. (Bedouin) People of the Arabina desert who bred and lived among Arabian horses.
  6. (Bedouin) desert-dwelling Arabs, originally nomadic, using camels, but now mostly settled, raising sheep
  7. (Bedouin) formerly nomadic tribespeople. Some of the older Qatari Bedouins will have spent their early life travelling in the desert as nomads.
  8. The word `bedouins' comes from badawiyin, people who live in open country, nomadic people. In number there used to be ½ a million scattered from Iran to Morocco. In ages past they provided the main means of transportation across the vast deserts. ...
  9. An Arab of any of the nomadic tribes of the Arabian, Syrian, Nubian, or Sahara deserts.