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beauties 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beauties, plural;
  1. A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight
    • - I was struck by her beauty
    • - an area of outstanding natural beauty
  2. A combination of qualities that pleases the intellect or moral sense

  3. Denoting something intended to make a woman more attractive
    • - beauty products
    • - beauty treatment
  4. A beautiful or pleasing thing or person, in particular

  5. A beautiful woman

  6. An excellent specimen or example of something
    • - the fish was a beauty, around 14 pounds
  7. The pleasing or attractive features of something
    • - the beauties of the Pennsylvania mountains
  8. The best feature or advantage of something
    • - the beauty of keeping cats is that they don't tie you down

  1. The Beauties are a roots/country band from Toronto, Canada. They formed at the Dakota Tavern in 2006.
  2. Beautie is a fictional character in the comic book series Astro City. Created by writer Kurt Busiek and artists Brent Anderson and Alex Ross, Beautie is a powerful android hero and a member of Astro City's premiere super-hero team, the Honor Guard.
  3. (beautie) Obsolete spelling of beauty