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beatitudes, plural;
  1. Supreme blessedness

  2. The blessings listed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:3–11)

  3. A title given to patriarchs in the Orthodox Church

  1. blessedness: a state of supreme happiness
  2. one of the eight sayings of Jesus at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount; in Latin each saying begins with `beatus' (blessed); "her favorite Beatitude is `Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth'"
  3. Beatitude is the debut album released by Ric Ocasek, lead singer and principal songwriter of The Cars. It was released by Geffen Records in 1982, and featured an appearance by Greg Hawkes on keyboards.
  4. Supreme, utmost bliss and happiness; Any one of the Biblical blessings given by Jesus in Matthew 5:3-12. Eg.:"Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth"(Matthew 5:5), etc..
  5. (Beatitudes) (Gr. Makarismoi). 1) Blessings promised to individuals for various reasons. 2) The eight blessings given by Christ at his Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5: 3-12). 3) Salutation addressed to an Orthodox Patriarch ("Your Beatitude").
  6. (Beatitudes) A section of writing from the New Testament, each of which starts with "Blessed are the ...." (Matthew 5).
  7. (Beatitudes) (1) B-LAW. (2) EIGHT BLESSING.
  8. (Beatitudes) (Bible). 1974. SATB, organ. GVT 1975
  9. (Beatitudes) the Commandments of Blessedness from the Gospel of Matthew (5:3-12) with the addition of Luke 23:42, which replace the third antiphon at Divine Liturgy. (All that remains from the antiphon is the entrance verse "Come, let us worship..." [Ps. 94 (95):6] with its refrain. ...
  10. (The Beatitudes) (Matthew 5:3-12)—A series of eight (or nine) blessings describing the character of the people of the kingdom, such as meekness, purity of heart, humility, being a peacemaker, and experiencing persecution.
  11. (beatitudes) A name given by Christendom to the initial declarations Jesus made in his Sermon on the Mount that each begin ``Blessed are ...'' in the {KJ}. (Mat 5:3-11 KJ) (Compare {-ed}.) In NW these begin ``Happy are ...'', so we refer to them as the nine {happinesses}.
  12. The fourth stage of the after-life, also called the Marriage, corresponding symbolically to the passage of Spirit's gyre through the Zodiacal sign of Cancer, the sign of the summer solstice.
  13. A pronouncement of blessing, phrased in the formula “blessed is” or “blessed are.” When beatitudes appear in the Bible, they do more than express a wish for blessing; they confer a quality of blessedness on a person or group. Sometimes beatitudes pronounce blessing on God.
  14. Literally, state of blessing; specifically the verses in Matthew and Luke that begin "blessed are."
  15. a state of utmost bliss.
  16. n.mubarakbadi. F; wadhai. F;