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beatified 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beatified, past tense; beatifies, 3rd person singular present; beatified, past participle; beatifying, present participle;
  1. (in the Roman Catholic Church) Announce the beatification of

  2. Make (someone) blissfully happy

  1. Roman Catholic; proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration
  2. (beatification) blessedness: a state of supreme happiness
  3. (beatification) the action of rendering supremely blessed and extremely happy
  4. (beatification) (Roman Catholic Church) an act of the Pope who declares that a deceased person lived a holy life and is worthy of public veneration; a first step toward canonization
  5. (beatify) exhilarate: fill with sublime emotion; "The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"; "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"
  6. (beatify) make blessedly happy
  7. (beatify) declare (a dead person) to be blessed; the first step of achieving sainthood; "On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the Vatican"
  8. Beatification (from Latin beatus, blessed, via Greek μακάριος, makarios and Latin facere, make) is a recognition accorded by the Catholic Church of a dead person's ascension to Heaven and capacity to intercede on behalf of individuals who pray in his or her name (intercession of saints). ...
  9. (beatify) To make blissful; In the Roman Catholic church, to take a step in the process of declaring a person a saint
  10. (Beatification) Final step toward canonization of a saint.
  11. (BEATIFICATION) An official declaration by the Pope that a deceased man or woman is in Heaven. People who have been beatified are given the title "Blessed". Catholics are allowed to publicly pray to them, invoke them, and venerate them.
  12. April 18, 1909 by Pius X