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beastly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beastliest, superlative; beastlier, comparative;
  1. Very unpleasant
    • - this beastly war
  2. Unkind; malicious
    • - don't be beastly to him
  3. Cruel and unrestrained
    • - beastly immorality
  1. Possessing a specified characteristic to an intense and unpleasant degree
    • - a beastly hot summer

  1. in a beastly manner; "she behaved beastly toward her mother-in-law"
  2. very unpleasant; "hellish weather"; "stop that god-awful racket"
  3. resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility; "beastly desires"; "a bestial nature"; "brute force"; "a dull and brutish man"; "bestial treatment of prisoners"
  4. (beastliness) the quality of being deliberately mean
  5. (beastliness) unpleasant nastiness; used especially of nasty weather
  6. Beastly is a 2007 novel by Alex Flinn. It is a retelling of the fairytale Beauty and the Beast set in modern-day New York City. Flinn researched many versions of the Beauty and the Beast story to write her book. ...
  7. Beastly is a fictional character from the Nelvana edition of the animated television series The Care Bears. He is the main assistant of No Heart, the main villain of the show.
  8. Beastly is an upcoming fantasy romance film based on Alex Flinn's 2007 novel of the same name. The film is written and directed by Daniel Barnz and stars Vanessa Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, Mary Kate Olsen, Neil Patrick Harris and Lisa Gay Hamilton. ...
  9. Pertaining to, or having the form, nature, or habits of a beast; Characterizing the nature of a beast; contrary to the nature and dignity of man; brutal; filthy; Abominable