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beaming 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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beamed, past tense; beamed, past participle; beams, 3rd person singular present; beaming, present participle;
  1. Transmit (a radio signal or broadcast) in a specified direction
    • - beaming a distress signal into space
    • - the TV station begins beaming into homes in the new year
  2. (in science fiction) Transport someone instantaneously to another place, esp. to or from a spaceship
    • - Scotty, beam me up!
  3. (of a light or light source) Shine brightly
    • - the sun's rays beamed down
  4. Smile radiantly
    • - she beamed with pleasure
    • - a beaming smile
  5. Express (an emotion) with a radiant smile
    • - the teacher beamed her approval
    • - “Isn't that wonderful, Beatrice?” beamed the nun
  6. Construct a ceiling with exposed beams
    • - vaulted beamed ceilings in the family room

  1. cheerful and bright; "a beaming smile"; "a glad May morning"
  2. pleased and proud; "beaming parents"
  3. radiating or as if radiating light; "the beaming sun"; "the effulgent daffodils"; "a radiant sunrise"; "a refulgent sunset"
  4. Smilingly happy; showing happy emotion
  5. A tendency of a loudspeaker to concentrate the sound in a narrow path instead of spreading it.
  6. Using wireless communication to exchange data between two devices; see entries for infrared transmission and Bluetooth.
  7. Transmitting data to or receiving data from another device via an infrared-based connection. See also Infrared and Squirting.
  8. The phenomenon of sound being emitted within a comparatively small solid angle. This characteristic becomes more acute as the frequency increases.
  9. Term used to describe a sonic characteristic in which high frequency sounds produced by an audio system tend to be too loud and harsh or grating with a distinct directional component.
  10. Beaming is a technique of distant healing. You can send Reiki through the air by filling and surrounding your hand (s) with Reiki, then direct it (through your will, vision, and thoughts) to the desired target.
  11. Beaming is when you use Reiki to heal someone that you can see but are unable to do hands on Reiki for, for instance if someone was in an accident and you could see but not reach them you could beam Reiki at them.
  12. A phenomenon of loudspeakers (including horns and tweeters) where the normal dispersion characteristics of the device breakdown and higher frequencies begin to be projected straight out from the device rather than dispersing into the soundfield. ...
  13. (An old term). A Coper’s trick, when an animal was lame on one front foot, a small piece of metal or sharp stone was placed in-between the shoe and the wall of the sound hoof in order to cause temporary pain. Therefore, the horse appeared to go sound.
  14. Beaming is a technique of distant healing.  It is a line of sight distant Reiki sending to a person.  Although a distant healing technique, this is generally done in the presence of another when hands on Reiki touch might be inappropriate (abuse cases, burn victims). ...