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bazaars 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bazaars, plural;
  1. A market in a Middle-Eastern country

  2. A fund-raising sale of goods, typically for charity

  3. A large shop selling miscellaneous goods

  1. (bazaar) a shop where a variety of goods are sold
  2. (bazaar) a street of small shops (especially in Orient)
  3. (bazaar) a sale of miscellany; often for charity; "the church bazaar"
  4. A bazaar (بازار, pazar, बाज़ार, παζάρι (pazari), Cypriot Greek: pantopoula) is a permanent merchandising area, marketplace, or street of shops where goods and services are exchanged or sold. ...
  5. (Bazaar (1982 film)) Bazaar is a 1982 Indian film directed by Sagar Sarhadi and starring Naseeruddin Shah, Farooq Shaikh, Smita Patil and Supriya Pathak.The film highlights the tragedy of young girls being sold by needy parents to affluent Indians in the Gulf. ...
  6. (Bazaar (band)) Bazaar (1976) is a Danish band recognised for their evocative live concerts. Their music, which features improvisation, has been classified as world, folk and jazz. All members in the group are appreciated for other contributions. ...
  7. (Bazaar (color)) Rose is the color halfway between red and magenta on the HSV color wheel, also known as the , on which it is at hue angle of 330 degrees.
  8. (Bazaar (supermarkets)) Bazaar supermarkets is a discount supermarket chain in Greece. As of 2006, it operates around 60 stores. It belongs to the Veroukas Group of companies.
  9. (Bazaar (vcs)) Bazaar (formerly Bazaar-NG, commandline tool bzr) is a distributed revision control system sponsored by Canonical, designed to make it easier for anyone to contribute to free and open source software projects.
  10. (bazaar) A marketplace, particularly in the Middle East, and often covered, with shops and stalls; A shop selling articles that are either exotic or eclectic; A fair or temporary market, often for charity
  11. (BAZAAR) Helping at a bazaar or any charitable event in a dream shows fortune in romance. Buying items at a bazaar indicates you will realise your ambitions. To see others selling at a charitable function foretells that the dreamer will receive a proposal. ...
  12. (Bazaar) (performed by Sylvester & the Hot band; Blue Thumb, 1973)
  13. (Bazaar) India Native marketplace.
  14. (Bazaar) Pseudo-adhoc project on the Net, organised according to the openware principles developed in the late 00's.
  15. (bazaar) A marketplace or shopping quarter. "I looked out my bedroom window and waited until Ali and Hassan went grocery shopping to the brazaar, pushing the empty wheelbarrows in front of them"(104).
  16. (in  bazaar (market))
  17. Bazaar is a Brown Bear who runs a general store in the Northern Kremisphere. He has the most dialogue out of the Brothers Bear. He even mentioned to have met Link once.