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bayed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bays, 3rd person singular present; bayed, past participle; bayed, past tense; baying, present participle;
  1. (of a dog, esp. a large one) Bark or howl loudly
    • - the dogs bayed
    • - a jackal baying at the moon
  2. (of a group of people) Shout loudly, typically to demand something
    • - as a mob bayed below, the king was dead
  3. Bay at
    • - a pack of wolves baying at the moon

  1. (baying) Action of the verb to bay; howling; An instance of baying; a howl
  2. (Baying) When the hart could run no longer, it would turn and try to defend itself. It was said to be "at bay." The hounds should now be kept from attacking, and the most prominent man in the hunting party would make the kill, with a sword or spear.
  3. (Baying) Some breeds of dogs howl in a way that is referred to as “baying”. The dog in the photo is baying.