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bauble 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baubles, plural;
  1. A small, showy trinket or decoration

  2. Something of no importance or worth

  3. A baton formerly used as an emblem by jesters

  1. a mock scepter carried by a court jester
  2. bangle: cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
  3. A bauble was originally a stick with a weight attached, used in weighing a child's toy, but especially the mock symbol of office carried by a court jester. ...
  4. A cheap showy ornament piece of jewellery; a gewgaw; A club or sceptre carried by a jester; A small shiny spherical decoration, commonly put on Christmas trees
  5. A small, showy ornament usually for decorative trims and fringe.
  6. tchotchkes ng, Ellen