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battled 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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battled, past participle; battles, 3rd person singular present; battling, present participle; battled, past tense;
  1. Fight or struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something
    • - he has been battling against the illness
    • - representatives from eight countries are battling for the title
  2. Engage in a fight or struggle against
    • - firefighters battled a 9,800-acre brush fire

  1. (Battling) A Shadow Pokémon sent into battle will have its heart gauge lowered a bit, with battling being the only way it can enter Hyper Mode or Reverse Mode.
  2. (Bat'-tled) A chief, chevron, fesse, etc., borne on one side in the form of the battlements of a castle.