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battering 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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batters, 3rd person singular present; battered, past tense; battered, past participle; battering, present participle;
  1. (of a wall) Have a receding slope

  1. the act of subjecting to strong attack
  2. (battered) damaged by blows or hard usage; "a battered old car"; "the beaten-up old Ford"
  3. (battered) exhibiting symptoms resulting from repeated physical and emotional injury; "a battered child"; "the battered woman syndrome"
  4. Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV), can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation. ...
  5. (Battered (band)) Battered is a Norwegian thrash metal band fronted by then-former (now reunited) Einherjer members Frode Glesnes, Gerhard Storesund and Aksel Herløe in 2004. Since then they have only released one demo: ...Beyond Recognition and one album Battered. ...
  6. An instance of battering; The activity of battering
  7. (battered) Beaten up through a lot of use; in rough condition; weathered, beat-up; Beaten repeatedly or consistently; beaten up; Coated with batter
  8. (Battered) Product covered in liquid mixture, usually egg and flour.  This is usually partly cooked (pre-cooked) to set the batter in place before freezing.
  9. (BATTERED) May be used to describe crenellations.
  10. (BATTERED) In architecture, a term for a wall or pier that slopes backward as it rises from the ground.
  11. (Battered) Cooked in a coating that usually contains wheat flour, eggs and milk.
  12. (Battered) To be drunk, tipsy, inebriated; from the concept of beer-battered fried fish.
  13. (battered) (7) -- architectural term meaning a wall deliberately built not vertically but leaning inwards as it rises (Warren, 140) Sample Image (Lesson 17)
  14. is a sociological term coined by the battered women's movement to describe a pattern of physical violence, intimidation, coercion, manipulation and other forms of abuse committed by a person (the batterer) to establish or maintain control of his or her partner.