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batterie 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The action of beating or crossing the feet or calves together during a leap or jump,
  1. The action of beating or crossing the feet or calves together during a leap or jump

  1. A brilliant display of virtuosity in which the dancer's legs open and close rapidly while in the air, with the illusion of striking together and rebounding. Also known as battu; The percussion section of an orchestra or band, the battery; marching instruments in a drumline, as opposed to the pit
  2. Battement: Movements in which the legs and feet ‘beat’ together quickly, usually as part of a jump. The may be performed as part of a jetés, entrechats trois, quatre, cinq, changements, grand jeté, etc. The difference between grande batterie and petite batterie [ lit. ...
  3. beating together of feet or legs, esp. in midair
  4. In some contexts this word signifies simply a set of drums; in ritual (and especially at the point of division between the opening devotions and ceremony proper) it signifies a specific system of sounding the asson, clapping hands, and sounding the drums (if used) in an impressive unison rhythm.
  5. Jumps performed with a beating action of the legs whilst in the air.
  6. (baht-tree') This means to 'beat' the legs.
  7. Jean-Bernard Reynier on Fotopedia