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bathrobe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bathrobes, plural;
  1. A robe, typically made of terrycloth, worn esp. before and after taking a bath

  1. a loose-fitting robe of towelling; worn after a bath or swim
  2. A bathrobe, dressing gown or housecoat is a robe. A bathrobe is usually made from towelling or other absorbent fabric, and may be donned while wet, serving both as a towel and an informal garment. ...
  3. A robe usually made of terrycloth intended to be worn to preserve modesty when there is no immediate need to fully dress
  4. Usually made of terrycloth or waffle-weave cotton for throwing on after bathing. Think of a giant towel with sleeves.
  5. Long robe to wear over nightwear: also dressing-gown.