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(esp. in a work of literature) An effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous,
  1. (esp. in a work of literature) An effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous

  1. triteness or triviality of style
  2. mawkishness: insincere pathos
  3. anticlimax: a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one
  4. Bathos (Greek , meaning depth), strictly speaking, refers to the discovery or expression of humor in a linguistic phrase through some ironic combination of ideas, whether done deliberately through the use of an incongruous combination of ideas in order to provide a seemingly unintended humorous ...
  5. Aarni has been described as an avant-garde metal band from Finland, which consists primarily of Master Warjomaa and, occasionally, some session musicians. ...
  6. An unintentional shift from the sublime to the ridiculous which can result from the use of overly elevated language to describe trivial subject matter, or from an exaggerated attempt at pathos which misfires to the point of being ludicrous. Bathos can be viewed as an unintentional anticlimax.
  7. Alexander Pope's Peri-Bathous, or the Art of Sinking in Poetry (1728) describes bathos as a poet's fall, in a work of some seriousness, into an unintentionally comic pathos.
  8. (from the Greek for depth) Means that you seem to be saying something very profound but then proceed to a ludicrous anticlimax. it may be intentional, for comic effect, or unintentional. ...
  9. When a writer who is intending to be pathetic, exceeds a limit and descends into the ridiculous.
  10. The ridiculous. See Pope's Peri Bathous and Hogarth's print "THE BATHOS, or Manner of Sinking, in Sublime Paintings, Inscribed to the Dealers in Dark Pictures [... ...
  11. The use of insincere or overdone sentimentality.
  12. An emotional appeal that inadvertently evokes laughter or ridicule.
  13. [paso de lo sublime a lo trivial] (ludicrous descent from the elevated to the commonplace, anticlimax);
  14. descent from the lofty to the commonplace; here, Heathcliff remarks on how he has lessened Hareton's place in society.
  15. (GK 'depth') In mock critical treatise called Peri Bathous, or, Of the Art of Sinking in Poetry (1728), Pope assures the reader that he will 'lead them as it were by the hand... the gentle downhill way to Bathos; the bottom, the end, the central point, the non plus ultra, of true Modern Poesy!'
  16. noun - 1. a ludicrous descent from the elevated to the low, in writing or speech; anticlimax 2. a) insincere or grossly sentimental pathos b) banality; triteness
  17. Not to be confused with pathos, bathos is the humorous arrangement of items so that a list of important or prestigious ideas precedes an inappropriate or inconsequential item. ...
  18. ludicrous descent from exalted, insincere
  19. Low comedy. Sexual jokes etc.