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bather 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. swimmer: a person who travels through the water by swimming; "he is not a good swimmer"
  2. a person who takes a bath
  3. Bathing is the immersion of the body in a fluid, usually water or an aqueous solution. It may be practised for hygiene, religious or therapeutic purposes or as a recreational activity.
  4. (Bathers) A swimsuit, bathing suit, or swimming costume is an item of clothing designed to be worn while engaging in a water-based activity or water sports, such as swimming, water polo, diving, surfing, water skiing, or during activities in the sun, such as sun bathing. ...
  5. (The Bathers (band)) The Bathers are a Scottish Chamber Pop band.
  6. (The Bathers (Cézanne)) The Bathers (French: Les Grandes Baigneuses) is an oil painting by French artist Paul Cézanne first exhibited in 1906. ...
  7. One who bathes or swims
  8. (bathers) swimsuit, short for bathing costume
  9. (Bathers) Definition: Swimming costume. Also called: Togs. Cozzies. Boardies (for surfing).
  10. (bathers) bathing suit. I first heard this within the family during my 1997 visit to Perth. It was easy enough to discover the meaning when my granddaughter, instructed to go put on her bathers, returned wearing her bathing suit. ...
  11. (bathers) female bathing suits (Michelle kills herself laughing everytime I say "bathing suit." But bathers? BATHERS? How can you say that with a straight face?)
  12. (bathers) noun:- a swimming costume, but only in Victoria and South Australia. Also see Togs.
  13. People who run baths or the attendants inside baths.
  14. In a Spa, a bather is anyone using a spa for a duration of 20 minutes at 102° F.
  15. 1868, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  16. el banador - 3 misses