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bastille 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a fortress built in Paris in the 14th century and used as a prison in the 17th and 18th centuries; it was destroyed July 14, 1789 at the start of the French Revolution
  2. a jail or prison (especially one that is run in a tyrannical manner)
  3. The Bastille was a fortress-prison in Paris, known formally as Bastille Saint-Antoine—Number 232, Rue Saint-Antoine—best known today because of the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, which along with the Tennis Court Oath is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. ...
  4. Bastille is a Dutch film by Rudolf van den Berg. It is based on the book La Place de la Bastille by Leon de Winter, alternatively known as De Burght.
  5. The Bastille is the name of a fortress culminating at 476 m (ft) above sea level , at the south end of the Chartreuse mountain range, overlooking the city of Grenoble, France. ...
  6. A medieval fortress-prison in eastern Paris. Frequently used for the subjects/victims of arbitrary royal authority, it held only seven prisoners in 1789. Yet, the Bastille remained a potent symbol of royal power. ...
  7. One of the slang names for the workhouse, along with Spike, Grubber etc. probably reflecting the prison/fortress-like nature of some early workhouse designs. GR Wythen Baxter's book The Book of the Bastiles was an early polemic against the post-1834 workhouse system.
  8. an old fort in Paris that fell to the French Revolutionaries in 1789
  9. A medieval fortress in Paris, which served as a gaol, and had become symbolic of oppression by the time of the Revolution. It was stormed by the Parisian mob on 14th July 1789, and traditionally marks the end of the ancien régime.