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basques, plural;
  1. A close-fitting bodice extending from the shoulders to the waist and often with a short continuation below waist level

  1. (basque) a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
  2. (basque) the language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
  3. The Basques (euskaldunak, vascos, basques) as an ethnic group primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country (Euskal Herria), a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-eastern Spain and ...
  4. (Basque (clothing)) A basque is an item of women's apparel. The term, of French origin, refers to a type of bodice or jacket, and in modern usage a long corset, characterized by a close, contoured fit and extending past the waistline over the hips. ...
  5. (basque) The part of a waistcoat etc. extending below the waist; A woman's close-fitting bodice having such a feature; a corset
  6. Basque.-Larramendi, St Sebastian, 1745, fol. 2 Vols.; edZuazua, ib. 1854, fol.; Chaho, Bayonne, 1856, 4to, 1867: Fabre, ib. 1870, 8vo: Van Eys, Paris, 1873, 8vo: Eguren, Madrid, 1877.
  7. ((Basque)) Salbatore Mitxelena literaturaren zubitegian
  8. ((1) Basque (Isolate, Europe)) (Saltarelli et al., 1988: 92) cited in Miestamo (2003/2005 : 240)
  9. (BASQUE) A region between France and Spain which is modern times is characterized by a certain amount of terrorism caused by Basque who wish their own country. Michael Harrison states that some of the Gardnerian chants are in the Basque language. ...
  10. (BASQUE) outer part of dress sewed to boned bodice.
  11. (Basque) A bodice closely fitted by seaming from the shoulder to waist, with or without a short, skirt-like continuation.
  12. (Basque) A fitted bodice ending 2-3 inches below the waist. This style visually elongates the waist and narrows the hips.
  13. (Basque) A long-line bra extending to the hips with garter hooks attached along the lower edge. A Merry Widow is a form of basque.
  14. (Basque) A low U- or V-shaped fitted bodice that ends two or three inches below the natural waist. Flattering for women who want to hide their stomach and elongate their waist.
  15. (Basque) Flattering for most body types, this tight, form-fitting bodice creates a V-shape chest (the bottom of the V being your waist); offers the much-coveted hourglass shape.
  16. (Basque) Section of bodice below waist, shaped to hips; late c20th name for corset.
  17. (Basque) Sleeveless tight-fitting bra top extending slightly below the waist.
  18. (Basque) This is a tight and fitting bodice or coat.
  19. (Basque) refers to a style of waistline that drops 2-inches below the natural waist and often dips into a point in the center.
  20. (basque) 19th century - very short overskirt sewn to bodice (3)
  21. Also very similar to corsets but are always worn as underwear and tend to be boned but much less structured than a corset. Basques are tight fitting and cover the breasts whilst being shorter. ...