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basketry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The craft of basket-making,
  1. The craft of basket-making

  2. Baskets collectively

  1. the craft of basket making
  2. Zambian crafts include some of the finest basketry in Africa. Basketry, practiced by both the men and the women is widespread. The many forms and raw materials include bamboo, liana vines, roots, reeds, grasses, rushes, papyrus palm leaves, bark and sisal. ...
  3. includes various forms of bamboo fishtraps and containers such as Sai, Krachang, Takhong, and Lop, as well as, sieves, winnowing baskets, and different forms of container baskets.
  4. is the art of making different types of vessels, baskets or containers from some types of grases, palm fronds and canes.
  5. Basket weaving is another traditional skill that is still alive and well in the Philippines and a large number of styles and patterns can be found throughout the country. ...
  6. hatching lines placed at right angles to form a woven pattern.