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basidia 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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basidia, plural;
  1. A microscopic, club-shaped spore-bearing structure produced by certain fungi

  1. (basidial) relating to or characterized by basidia
  2. A basidium (pl., basidia) is a microscopic, spore-producing structure found on the hymenophore of fruiting bodies of basidiomycete fungi. The presence of basidia is one of the main characteristic features of the Basidiomycota. ...
  3. Specialized club-shaped structures on the underside of club fungi (Basidiomycetes) within which spores form (sing.: basidium).
  4. The reproduction cell of the fungal group, Basidiomycetes. which contains the mushroom puffballs and rust.
  5. the plural form of basidium.
  6. a sexual spore-producing cell of fungi belonging to the basidiomycota phylum