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baser 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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basest, superlative; baser, comparative;
  1. (of a person or a person's actions or feelings) Without moral principles; ignoble
    • - the electorate's baser instincts of greed and selfishness
    • - we hope his motives are nothing so base as money
  2. Denoting or befitting a person of low social class

  3. (of coins or other articles) Not made of precious metal
    • - the basest coins in the purse were made in the seventh century ad

  1. Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked. It may also be termed rock, hard, iron, cavvy, base, or just crack. Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment, Todd Wilk Estroff, M.D., 2001 (306 pages), pp. ...
  2. comparative form of base: more base
  3. (Base-ring) The raised moulding around the circumference of the breech of an artillery piece often inscribed with the maker's name and the date on which the gun was cast.