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baseline 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baselines, plural;
  1. A minimum or starting point used for comparisons

  2. (in tennis, volleyball, etc.) The line marking each end of the court

  3. The line between bases, which a runner must stay close to when running

  4. The imaginary straight line through the feet of most letters in a line of type

  1. an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared; "the established a baseline for the budget"
  2. service line: the back line bounding each end of a tennis or handball court; when serving the server must not step over this line
  3. the lines a baseball player must follow while running the bases
  4. A baseball field, also called a ball field or a baseball diamond, is the field upon which the game of baseball is played. The terms "baseball field" and "ball field" are also often used as synonyms for ballpark.
  5. A baseline is an important concept in budgeting, in particular in the United States. In terms of budgeting, the Office of Management and Budget prepares a "baseline" to use in expected spending of the Federal Government and its programs, deficits, revenue, total outlays and other economic factors.
  6. Configuration management is the process of managing change in hardware, software, firmware, documentation, measurements, etc. As change requires an initial state and next state, the marking of significant states within a series of several changes becomes important. ...
  7. The New York Times Company is an American media company best known as the publisher of its namesake, The New York Times. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. has served as Chairman of the Board since 1997.. New York Times. The New York Times Company, May 10, 2008. Retrieved on February 2, 2009. ...
  8. Baseline magazine is a magazine devoted to typography, book arts and graphic design.
  9. A baseline in medicine is information found at the beginning of a study or other initial known value which is used for comparison with later data.
  10. A line that is a base for measurement or for construction; A datum used as the basis for calculation or for comparison; A line used as the basis for the alignment of glyphs; The line at the farthest ends of the court indicating the boundary of the area of play; A configuration of software, ...
  11. (Baselines) The baseline estimates of population, GDP, energy use and hence resultant greenhouse gas emissions without climate policies, determine how big a reduction is required, and also what the impacts of climate change without policy will be.
  12. (Baselines) In the United States Government Survey, the major east-sw legal guide lines.
  13. (Baselines) The pre-eradication measurement of an indicator. Important in comparing to indicator values after the eradication to establish the changes due to the eradication.
  14. (Baselining) Probably one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of reading body language.  It refers to the “normal” body motions that populate the repertoire of each person.  “Normal” is defined as the body language that happens when a person is relaxed.
  15. the line on which the bases of capital letters sit.
  16. A quantitative expression of planned costs, schedule, and technical requirements for a defined project. Baselines should include criteria to serve as a standard for measuring the status of resources and the progress of a project.
  17. an arbitrary line established by stakes and string, or by surveying instrument, from which measurements are taken to produce a site-map, or to provide an initial axis for an excavation grid.
  18. For a system of two-point shape coordinates for landmarks in a plane, the baseline is the line connecting the pair of landmarks that are assigned to fixed locations (0,0) and (1,0) in the construction. ...
  19. 1. A starting point or condition against which future changes are measured. 2. A named set of object versions which fixes a configuration at a particular point in time. A baseline normally represents a milestone or key deliverable of a project.
  20. The point at which some deliverable produced during the software engineering process is put under formal change control.
  21. Also called the end line. This line extends across both ends of the court behind the baskets.
  22. The line on which letterforms rest. (Round letters like "e" and "o" normally dent it, pointed letters like "v" and "w" normally pierce it, and letters with foot serifs like "h" and "l" usually rest precisely upon it.)
  23. The maximum usage that can be billed at the lowest price for a particular rate schedule. Baseline Quantity varies by season, climate zone and heat source.
  24. In medical research, the baseline is the starting point for gathering information. The baseline information is then compared with information collected at other times throughout the research study.
  25. An initial measurement that is taken at an early time point to represent a beginning condition, and is used for comparison over time to look for changes. For example, the size of a tumor will be measured before treatment (baseline) and then afterwards to see if the treatment had an effect.