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basal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base,
  1. Forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base

  1. radical: especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem; "basal placentation"; "radical leaves"
  2. serving as or forming a base; "the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats"
  3. of primary importance
  4. Basal when used in a medical sense refers to a minimal level that is necessary for health or life. As used by diabetics and health care professionals, it describes a low, continuous dosage of insulin (either as a basal rate from an insulin pump or a slow-acting insulin injection) intended to " ...
  5. In phylogenetics, a basal clade is the earliest clade to branch in a larger clade; it appears at the base of a cladogram.
  6. Any basal structure or part; Relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin; In a phylogenetic tree, being a group, or member of a group, which diverged earlier
  7. (basally) In a basal manner
  8. The end closest to the body (base); at or toward the base (proximal).
  9. (1) (radical) attached or grouped at the base, e.g. of leaves in a rosette, Fig.2 I; (2) of placentation, with the placenta at the base of the ovary, Fig.13 H.
  10. of, at, or forming the base of something
  11. Situated near the base. The basal surface of a cell is opposite the apical surface.
  12. Concerning the base of a thallus or filament
  13. Referring to the base of a plant. Basal leaves only occur at base of stem or on ground. A basal rosette for example is a cluster of basal leaves with no stem, as in many biennials.
  14. Innermost extremities, particularly of the tail.
  15. The area of the wings that is closest to the thorax.
  16. Your body usually needs a small amount of insulin to hold everything steady, even if you've not eaten food. On injections this is usually provided by the long-acting insulin. A pump gives you a small amount all the time, called the basal rate.
  17. A significant advantage of an insulin pump is the ability to delivery a continuous flow of insulin into your body during the day and when you sleep. Insulin pump users typically set up a Basal Schedule that specifies which doses are applied during different times of the day.
  18. In test administration, the point at which it can be assumed that the student would receive full credit for all easier test items.
  19. Relating to the lower part or base of a plant stem. The Blue Bead Lily (Clintonia borealis) is a common North Country example of a basal leaf.
  20. arising from or positioned at the base
  21. Towards the base of the wing.
  22. At or pertaining to the point of attachment of an organ (i.e., where the organ is supported and the conduit through which nutrition takes place).
  23. At the base of a plant or plant part.
  24. Arising from the base of a stem; of, or relating to the foundation, base or essence; of or relating to, or being essential for maintaining the fundamental vital activities of an organism.
  25. from Greek (Gk) originated word that indicates what is located towards some base or it is the base for something.