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barriers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barriers, plural;
  1. A fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access

  2. A circumstance or obstacle that prevents communication or that keeps people or things apart
    • - a language barrier
  3. Something that prevents progress or success
    • - the cultural barriers to economic growth
  4. The starting gate of a racecourse

  5. A long narrow island lying parallel and close to the mainland, protecting the mainland from erosion and storms

  6. A gate at a parking lot that controls access by being raised or lowered

  1. (barrier) a structure or object that impedes free movement
  2. (barrier) any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective; "intolerance is a barrier to understanding"
  3. (barrier) anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access
  4. Barriers is a British children's television series made by Tyne Tees Television for ITV between 1981 and 1982.
  5. (Barrier (computer science)) In parallel computing, a barrier is a type of synchronization method. A barrier for a group of threads or processes in the source code means any thread/process must stop at this point and cannot proceed until all other threads/processes reach this barrier.
  6. (Barrier (pharmaceutical)) A barrier isolator, or simply an isolator, is a device that provides a physical barrier between a laboratory technician and a work process. ...
  7. (Barrier (video game)) Barrier is a maze arcade game using vector graphics released by Vectorbeam in 1979. In this very basic game, players move a small triangle around on the grid, while attempting to avoid the diamonds that are also moving around on the grid. ...
  8. (The Barrier) The Barrier is a spectacular lava dam retaining the Garibaldi Lake system in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. It is over 300 m (1,000 ft) in thickness and about 2 km (1.2 mi) wide where it impounds the lake.
  9. (The Barrier (volcano)) The Barrier is a shield volcano located in Kenya. It is known to have last erupted in 1921.
  10. (barrier) A structure that bars passage; An obstacle or impediment; A boundary or limit
  11. (Barrier) A box section containing playing consoles and coin slots on both sides. A conveyor belt inside moves money from the coin slots to a cash box at one end of the barrier. Players face each other to play, across the barriers..
  12. (Barrier) selling by public shareholders, who purchased their stock at or near the peak of the last upward move of the company’s share price. This selling usually results from a major decline in the company’s share price followed by a recovery to its previous peak. ...
  13. (Barrier) Any obstruction to the spread of fire. Typically an area or strip devoid of combustible fuel.
  14. (barrier) Something that blocks, prevents, separates or limits.
  15. (BARRIER) A material that when placed around a source of noise inhibits the transmission of that noise beyond the barrier. Also, anything physical or an environment that interferes with communication or listening e.g. ...
  16. (Barrier) something that acts to hinder or restrict
  17. (Barrier) A partition for the insulation or isolation of electric circuits.
  18. (BARRIER) a rope stretched across the front end of the box from which the roper's or steer wrestler's horse comes when the barrier flag drops to give the steer or calf a head start
  19. (Barrier) A physical structure used to separate people from a restricted area.
  20. (barrier) (n.) A point in a program at which barrier synchronization occurs. See also fuzzy barrier.
  21. (BARRIER) A fence, a safety cover, a wall, a building wall or a combination thereof which completely surrounds or covers the swimming pool and obstructs access to the swimming pool.
  22. (BARRIER) A wall, fence, earthen berm, or plant materials which may be used to provide a physical separation between land uses. Refer to Article 13 of the Zoning Ordinance for specific barrier requirements.
  23. (BARRIER) The fence, wall, or other structure used to enclose the pool or pool area to help restrict unauthorized access. The walls of some above-ground pools also is considered a barrier to entry.
  24. (Barrier) (Russian. French: Banquette. U.S.: Ring Curb) The circular barrier that defines the ring, and separates it from the audience.
  25. (Barrier) A block to protect surface i.e. barrier cream to protect skin or seal to protect a wooden floor.