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barrens 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barrens, plural;
  1. A barren tract or tracts of land
    • - crossing the barrens was no easy feat

  1. Derry, Maine is a fictional town and a part of Stephen King's fictional Maine topography, and, like Castle Rock, it has served as the setting for a number of his novels, novellas, and short stories. ...
  2. Warcraft is a franchise of video games, novels and other media originally created by Blizzard Entertainment.
  3. The areas of a city unfit for life,including graveyards,abandoned buildings, industrial wastelands and areas of irreversible urban blight.
  4. Elevated lands, or plains upon which grow small trees, but never timber.
  5. places that do not produce useful crops or fruits; places with poor soil; here, "pine barrens" are woods whose plants are chiefly or overwhelmingly pine trees.