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barreled 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barrels, 3rd person singular present; barreling, present participle; barrelling, present participle; barrelled, past participle; barreled, past participle; barreled, past tense; barrelled, past tense;
  1. Drive or move fast, often heedless of surroundings or conditions
    • - we barreled across the Everglades
    • - barreling along the Ventura freeway
  2. Put into a barrel or barrels

  1. put in or stored in a barrel; "barreled beer"
  2. (of an arrow) tapered toward both ends
  3. (Barreling) Convexity of the surfaces of cylindrical or conical bodies‚ often produced unintentionally during upsetting or as a natural consequence during compression testing. See also Compression Test.
  4. (Barreling) The action of putting the wine in barrels
  5. (barreling) A wear pattern that causes the diameter of the bit body to exceed the gauge diameter of the buttons.
  6. Barreling is a distortion that occurs when the edges of the image bow towards the center, giving it a barrel-like appearance.