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barred 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barred, past participle; barred, past tense; bars, 3rd person singular present; barring, present participle;
  1. Fasten (something, esp. a door or window) with a bar or bars
    • - she bolts and bars the door
  2. Prevent or forbid the entrance or movement of
    • - boulders barred her passage
    • - she was barred from a men-only dinner
  3. Prohibit (someone) from doing something
    • - journalists had been barred from covering the elections
  4. Forbid (an activity) to someone
    • - the job she loved had been barred to her
  5. Exclude (something) from consideration
    • - nothing is barred in the crime novel
  6. Prevent or delay (an action) by objection

  7. Mark (something) with bars or stripes
    • - his face was barred with light

  1. barricaded: preventing entry or exit or a course of action; "a barricaded street"; "barred doors"; "the blockaded harbor"
  2. marked with stripes or bands
  3. (barring) the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
  4. (Barring (music)) Barre chords (also known as bar chords, but more commonly spelled as "barre") are a type of guitar chord, where one or more fingers are used to press down multiple strings across the guitar fingerboard (like a bar pressing down the strings). ...
  5. Having bars, striped; Prevented
  6. (barring) the exclusion of someone; blackballing; Unless something happens; excepting; in the absence of
  7. (Barredness) galaxies are described as being A (ordinary), B (barred), or AB (intermediate).
  8. (Barring) contrasting bands of color around the legs or feet.
  9. A player which is no longer permitted into the casino. Same as Banned.
  10. Permanently prohibited from playing blackjack at a casino.
  11. Expelled from the Union. A member is barred even if the order barring the member is on appeal. See Chapter I, §1(B)(2)(a).
  12. Should FSB determine that a member is in violation of our guidelines, that person can be barred from membership.
  13. Anybody that is deemed to pose a risk to children or vulnerable adults will be barred by the ISA. They will not be allowed to work with these groups and will be on the ISA's barred list.
  14. If a person is not allowed or banned from entering the premises of a casino permanently then it is said that the person is barred from the casino.
  15. Same as Banned. Not allowed to enter the casino premises permanently.
  16. Being banned by the casino, they will no longer accept action from a ‘punter‘ that has been barred.