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barbiturate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barbiturates, plural;
  1. Any of a class of sedative and sleep-inducing drugs derived from barbituric acid

  2. A salt or ester of barbituric acid

  1. organic compound having powerful soporific effect; overdose can be fatal
  2. Barbiturates are drugs that act as central nervous system depressants, and, by virtue of this, they produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation to total anesthesia. They are also effective as anxiolytics, as hypnotics, and as anticonvulsants. ...
  3. Any salt or ester of barbituric acid; Any of a class of drugs that act as depressants of the central nervous system and are used as sedatives or hypnotics
  4. (Barbiturates) Depressant drugs that produce relaxation and sleep. Barbiturates include sleeping pills such as pentobarbital (Nembutal) and secobarbital (Seconal).
  5. (Barbiturates) A class of drugs used in medicine as hypnotic agents to promote sleep or sedation. Some are also useful in the control of epilepsy. All are central nervous system depressants and are subject to abuse.
  6. (barbiturates) depressants used to induce sleep or anesthesia. 221
  7. (Barbiturates) A group of drugs derived from barbituric acid that is used to sedate, to control convulsions, or to induce sleep. Blood and urine tests can determine toxic levels of these compounds. Barbiturates may be habit forming.
  8. (BARBITURATES) potentially deadly depressants first used as sedative and anti convulsant now used for epilepsy arthritis
  9. (Barbiturates) (downers, barbs, blue heavens, yellow jackets, red devils) - sedative/ hypnotic (powerful depressant) drugs that slow down the central nervous system. They can be prescribed by a doctor under such trade names as Seconal®, Amytal®, Nembutal®, and Tuinal®. ...
  10. (Barbiturates) Anyone who lived through the 1970's remembers ludes if they didn't do them. They also remember the liberal media's crusade against one of our greatest leaders, President Nixon. Barbiturates can be used medicinally as anything from an anticonvulsant to an anesthetic. ...
  11. (Barbiturates) Sedating medications that were used as sleep aids years ago but are rarely prescribed for insomnia today, due to their overall safety risks.
  12. (Barbiturates) The largest and most common group of the synthetic sedative/hypnotics. In small doses, they are effective tranquilizers used in sedation and in relieving tension and anxiety. In larger doses, they are used as hypnotics (sleep inducers). ...
  13. (Barbiturates) a class of drugs that slow down your central nervous system (brain and nerve impulses) causing relaxation.
  14. (Barbiturates) a group of sedatives that reduce activity in the brain; are habit-forming and are possibly fatal when taken with alcohol
  15. (barbiturates (bar•BI•chuh•ruhts)) A type of sedative that has been prescribed by physicians to help people sleep.
  16. (barbiturates) Pronounced bar-BIH-chuh-rits; drugs that act as depressants and are used as sedatives or sleeping pills; also referred to as "downers."
  17. (barbiturates) class of drugs used to treat anxiety & insomnia
  18. Barbiturates are a group of sedative/anesthetic drugs. Some of these have a high potential for abuse, and all are controlled drugs.
  19. Family of medications with a sedative effect, used in epilepsy to prevent seizures. The most common is Phenobarbital. Related drugs include Prominal and Mysoline. They are effective in management of partial and generalised tonic –clonic seizures but ineffective for absence seizures. ...
  20. a group of drugs that sedate and can kill animals by interfering with the central nervous system (for example, sodium pentobarbital). Their use is heavily restricted at federal and state levels. See chapter five for details.
  21. A drug used to treat insomnia, seizures and convulsions, and to relieve anxiety and tension before surgery. It belongs to the family of drugs called central nervous system (CNS) depressants.
  22. A drug with sedative and hypnotic effects. Barbiturates have been used as sedatives and anesthetics, and they have been used to treat the convulsions associated with epilepsy.
  23. a class of drugs (e.g., phenobarbital) that have sedative properties and depress respiratory rate, blood pressure and nervous system activity.
  24. a type of depressant, available legally through a physician or illegally on the street. In pill form, they are also called "downers," "barbs," and "reds."
  25. A type of central nervous system (CNS) depressant often prescribed to promote sleep.