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barberry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barberries, plural;
  1. A thorny shrub that bears yellow flowers and red or blue-black berries

  1. any of numerous plants of the genus Berberis having prickly stems and yellow flowers followed by small red berries
  2. Berberis (Bér-be-ris), the barberries or pepperidge bushes, is a genus of about 450-500 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs from 1-5 m tall with thorny shoots, native to the temperate and subtropical regions of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America. ...
  3. A thorny shrub that bears yellow flowers and red or blue-black berries
  4. (Barberries) Oblong, red, acidic berries.
  5. A great corrector of liver disfunctions. Barberry is also known to improve appetite, digestion and assimilation. Caution: avoid the use of Barberry during pregnancy; it can slow down the heartbeat and also the respiratory system and may constrict the bronchial tubes.
  6. Barberry is one of the best remedies for correcting liver function and promoting the flow of bile. Priest and Priest tell us that it is a "stimulating hepatic tonic: influences the mucosa generally, removing mucoid accumulations and controlling excess secretion. ...
  7. Barberry is a bush, the root and stem bark of which contain medically active components.  Active compounds are known to exhibit several properties including anti-bacterial, antioxidant, immune system stimulation, digestive function stimulation and inflammation reduction. ...