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barbering 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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barbers, 3rd person singular present; barbered, past tense; barbered, past participle; barbering, present participle;
  1. Cut or trim (a man's hair)
    • - his hair was neatly barbered

  1. A barber (from the Latin barba, "beard") is someone, most often male, whose occupation is to cut any type of hair, and to shave or trim the beards of men. The place of work of a barber is generally called a barbershop, or simply the "barber's"
  2. (Barbers) Provide barbering services, such as cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Illustrated Example: Barber Apprentice, Hair Cutter
  3. Feather chewing. This refers to an obsessive behavior of the bird chewing on its feathers without plucking them out.
  4. A condition in which loss of coat is caused by fur-chewing
  5. Talking (Knockover, 70)