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barbed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having a barb or barbs,
  1. Having a barb or barbs
    • - barbed arrows
  2. (of a remark or joke) Deliberately hurtful
    • - a fair degree of barbed wit

  1. capable of wounding; "a barbed compliment"; "a biting aphorism"; "pungent satire"
  2. having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.; "a horse with a short bristly mane"; "bristly shrubs"; "burred fruits"; "setaceous whiskers"
  3. Barbing is a municipality in the district of Regensburg in Bavaria in Germany.
  4. Having barbs; Bearded (also applied to roses)
  5. Bearded. Usually specifically of the arrow; also, of the five leaflets in the compound leaf of some roses.
  6. bristles and hairs that are hooked backwards or downwards
  7. Having sharp, normally downward- or backward-pointing projections. Said of an awn, bristle, or other structure.
  8. Used to refer to points of arrows and spears and the sepals of a rose.
  9. A heraldic term used when describing the leaves of a rose or the metal point of an arrow or of a spear, particularly when these are of a different tincture - but see note below and ‘shafted’ (also ‘garnished’, ‘hafted’, ‘hilted’, ‘rogacina’ and ‘tincture’). ...
  10. A term variously applied. Firstly: to the points that stand back in the head of an arrow or fishing-hook, etc. Secondly: to a Cross when its extremities are like the barbed irons used for striking fish. Thirdly: to the five leases of the Heraldic-Rose; which always appear on its outside. ...
  11. (of awns or bristles) With short, sharp, hairlike processes.
  12. Furnished with barbs or hooked hairs.
  13. with projecting points or bristles.
  14. Furnished with rigid points or short bristles, usually reflexed like the barb of a fish hook.