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baobab 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baobabs, plural;
  1. A short tree with an enormously thick trunk and large edible fruit. It can live to a great age

  1. African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread
  2. Adansonia is a genus of eight species of tree, six native to Madagascar, one native to mainland Africa and one to Australia. The mainland African species also occurs on Madagascar, but it is not a native of that island.
  3. A tree, Adansonia digitata (and similar species), native to tropical Africa, having a broad swollen trunk and edible gourd-like hanging fruits
  4. tree, fruit, juice, leaves, and seeds used
  5. A typical Malagasy tree which looks like it was turned upside down with the roots pointing up.
  6. (n.): a tree found in Africa and specially adapted to drought. Its swollen trunk stores water while the twisted branches are reduced in size. Almost all of the baobab can be used (trunk, fruits, leaves). Back