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banshees, plural;
  1. (in Irish legend) A female spirit whose wailing warns of an impending death in a house
    • - the little girl dropped her ice cream and began to howl like a banshee
    • - a horrible banshee wail

  1. (banshee) (Irish folklore) a female spirit who wails to warn of impending death
  2. In Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, the undead are seen less as monsters, and more as characters with unusual cultural quirks. They even have their own bar in Ankh-Morpork.
  3. The Banshee , from the Irish bean sídhe ("woman of the '" or "woman of the fairy mounds") is a female spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the Otherworld. Her Scottish counterpart is the bean shìth (also spelled bean-shìdh''').
  4. (Banshee (band)) Banshee is a melodic power metal band that was formed in 1985 in the American Midwest. ...
  5. (Banshee (dinghy)) The Banshee is a 120-pound, cat-rigged one-design sailing dinghy with of sail. The boat was designed by Richard Reid in 1969. Its Portsmouth yardstick is 93.7 (2008).
  6. (Banshee (music player)) Banshee is an open-source media player, originally called Sonance until 2005 . Built upon Mono and Gtk#, it uses the Helix and GStreamer multimedia platform for encoding and decoding various media formats, including Ogg Vorbis, MP3 and FLAC. ...
  7. (Banshee (superhero)) Banshee (Sean Cassidy) is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero who operates as a member of the X-Men.
  8. (Banshee) A death omen in Irish folklore that manifests to herald an upcoming death. Often heard singing and wailing mournfully.
  9. (Banshee) A wailing spirit or “death omen” that will appear to be in two different places at the same time.
  10. (Banshee) A death omen or spirit that attaches itself to certain families.
  11. (Banshee) A female spirit in Gaelic folklore believed to presage, by wailing, a death in a family.
  12. (Banshee) is a name given to a female spirit, which can be found in Irish and Scottish folklore.  The wail of a banshee is associated with the foretelling of an imminent death in the house, outside of which the banshee has previously visited. ...
  13. (BANSHEE) twin-engined McDonnell F2H/F-2 Navy fighter jet, nicknamed "Banjo".
  14. (Banshee) A purple flying vehicle used by enemy Covenant forces. Equipped with a dual-plasma gun and an explosive green fuel rod bolt.
  15. (Banshee) A spirit or omen of death, usually indigenous to Scotland and Ireland. The banshee is more often heard to that of being seen, and is almost always synonymous with a death in a family.
  16. (Banshee) A wailing spirit that is believed to appear before a person's death in order to welcome them into the afterlife. Originated from the Irish term "bean sidhe" which means female spirit.
  17. (Banshee) From the Irish, bean sidhe, meaning female spirit. Her wail does not always mean death, and she does not cause anyone to die. She’s generally not a ghost.
  18. (Banshee) In Gaelic belief, a female entity who heralds a death by groaning and screaming.
  19. (Banshee) Known from Scotland and Ireland (bean sidhe) as a wailing woman whose voice at the windowsill of a house foretells of danger or death.
  20. (Banshee) Originally Bean-sidhe (been-shee). Supposedly a Fae type that forsees and portents death by wailing and weeping at the home of the soon to be deceased.
  21. (Banshee) Orthographically, the word banshee has undergone considerable changes, but the meaning of Banshee has remained relatively the same. ...
  22. (Banshee) This wailing spirit's legend comes from Scotland and Ireland. Supposedly, if you hear the Banshee wailing, you have only 3 days to live.
  23. (Banshee) a crying or screaming spirit, most often described as female, whose terrifying cry is said to presage the death of a family member. ...
  24. (Banshee) actually should be spelled Bean Si . The Scots call her Bean-Nighe (see below ). She's an Irish death spirit. Their keening fortells a death. They have very long, flowing hair and wear green dresses with grey cloaks. Their eyes are bright red because of their continuous weeping.
  25. (Banshee) that means " woman of the sidh ". She is the protector spirit of a family or a clan. She advise, by crying, when death is coming. It s too the name they give, in some Irish counties, to witches and medicine women.