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banns 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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banns, plural;
  1. A notice read out on three successive Sundays in a parish church, announcing an intended marriage and giving the opportunity for objections

  1. a public announcement of a proposed marriage
  2. The banns of marriage, commonly known simply as "the banns" (from an Old English word meaning "to summon"), are the public announcement in a Christian parish church that a marriage is going to take place between two specified persons. ...
  3. The announcement of a forthcoming marriage (legally required for a church wedding in England and Wales and read on the three Sundays preceding the marriage)
  4. an announcement or notice of an intended marriage in a parish church. The banns were published on three consecutive Sundays. If no one "forbid the banns" the couple could get married.
  5. The published intention of marriage which are announced on three Sundays before the actual ceremony in the parish.
  6. A public announcement of an upcoming wedding, usually made weekly for three weeks prior to the wedding, requiring anyone who knew of just grounds why the marriage could not take place to report it prior to the date announced.
  7. Inexpensive, public way to get permission to marry. To 'publish the banns' required the parish rector or vicar to announce an impending wedding during the service on three consecutive Sunday mornings. ...
  8. The legal preliminary to marriage in church is for banns to be published. Banns are the public announcement that two people wish to marry, and an invitation to anybody who knows just cause or impediment to the union to declare it. ...