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bannock 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bannocks, plural;
  1. A round, flat loaf, typically unleavened, associated with Scotland and northern England

  1. a flat bread made of oat or barley flour; common in New England and Scotland
  2. Bannock is any of a large variety of flat quick breads. The word can also be applied to any large, round article baked or cooked from grain. When a round bannock is cut into wedges, the wedges are often called scones. But in Scotland, the words bannock and scone are often used interchangeably.
  3. The Bannock or Banate are a Native American people who traditionally lived in the northern Great Basin in what is now southeastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. They speak the Northern Paiute language and are closely related to the Northern Paiute people. ...
  4. (Bannocked) An open cut resulting from any surfing activity.
  5. A traditional Scottish griddle cake usually made from barley, oatmeal or wheat flour. The bannock may also refer to a nineteenth century New England cornmeal cake.
  6. A Native American group of Northern Paiute speakers who lived in the Snake River plain of the Great Basin. They were buffalo hunters who lived with the Shoshone speakers in peaceful cooperation. During 1867-1868, both groups were moved to the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho where they live today.
  7. A flat bread made of flour, fat, salt, and water; baked in the oven, cooked on a griddle or over a fire.
  8. A flat, round cake, similar to an oatcake but thicker and softer - in fact, more like a scone. See also Selkirk bannock.
  9. A traditional Scottish cake, sometimes made with yeast, and often baked on a griddle.
  10. Specifically, it's an unleavened flatbread baked on a griddle or hearthstone.  Usually out of oat flour in "Scotland", but sometimes barley flour.  They'll sometimes add fruits and/or nuts to make a sort of proto-fruitcake for special occasions. ...
  11. Flat, round, soft cake.