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banknote 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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banknotes, plural;
  1. A piece of paper money, constituting a central bank's promissory note to pay a stated sum to the bearer on demand
    • - is the $1 bill the only banknote with George Washington's picture on it?

  1. bill: a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes"
  2. A banknote (often known as a bill, paper money or simply a note) is a kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. ...
  3. A piece of paper currency; A demand note issued by private banks presumably backed up by gold or silver coin
  4. (Banknotes) Money-substitutes issued by banks in the form of non–interestbearing promissory notes, payable to bearer on demand, which circulate freely as a substitute for the sum of money stated on their face. Banknotes differ from fiat money (q.v. ...
  5. A promissory note issued by a bank in useful denominations, payable to bearer and intended to circulate as money. Should not be used as a generic term for all forms of paper money.
  6. A piece of paper issued by a bank (public or private) representing its promise to pay a specific sum to the bearer on demand and acceptable as money.
  7. currency issued by a government or central bank and consisting of printed paper