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bankable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(esp. in the entertainment industry) Certain to bring profit and success,
  1. (esp. in the entertainment industry) Certain to bring profit and success
    • - he needed some bankable names to star in the film
  2. Reliable
    • - a bankable assurance

  1. guaranteed to bring a profit; "without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest"
  2. acceptable to or at a bank; "bankable funds"
  3. Acceptable to a bank; Believed to be certain to bring profit and success (especially in the entertainment industry); Reliable
  4. (bankability) The state or condition of being bankable
  5. A person who can get a project financed solely by having their name is attached.
  6. A term commonly used to refer to studies that are intended to be sufficiently advanced to secure debt finance
  7. people are those deemed eligible to obtain financial services that can lead to income generation, repayment of loans, savings, and the building of assets.
  8. A borrower is said to be “bankable” when the capital needs of the business are supported by sufficient collateral and earnings.  An established, profitable business with $10 million of collateral that is seeking a $5 million loan would typically be considered “bankable”. ...