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banes, plural;
  1. A cause of great distress or annoyance
    • - the bane of the decorator is the long, narrow hall
    • - the depressions that were the the bane of her existence
  2. Something, typically poison, that causes death

  1. something causing misery or death; "the bane of my life"
  2. Bané is a town in the Bané Department of Boulgou Province in south-eastern Burkina Faso. As of 2005, the town has a population of 1,095.
  3. Bane, a hardcore punk band, began as a side project between Aaron Dalbec (then of Converge) and Damon Bellardo. Aaron approached Matt Firestone to sing and they played under the moniker of Gateway for a few shows, before Firestone departed ways to focus on other projects. ...
  4. Bane is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993), and was created by Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench, and Graham Nolan. ...
  5. This is a list of the fictional deities in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.
  6. Magical creatures comprise a colourful and integral aspect of the fictional wizarding world in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. ...
  7. The term bane was originally used to refer to certain types of plant. In the Middle Ages, a number of plants of the genus Aconitum were thought to have poisonous or prophylactic qualities, which would have dire consequences (Henbane) or liminal ones, like "Wolfsbane" or "Aconite. ...
  8. The Bane where a huge species of aliens. They worshipped the Bane Mother who was also their Queen. They were led by Mrs Wormwood.
  9. Season two of Stargate SG-1, an American-Canadian television series, began airing on June 26, 1998 on Showtime. The second season concluded after 22 episodes on February 10, 1999 on British Sky One, which overtook Showtime in mid-season. ...
  10. A cause of misery or death; an affliction or curse; A killer, murderer, slayer; Poison, especially any of several poisonous plants; To kill, especially by poison; to be the poison of; To be the bane of
  11. (BANES) the religious leaders of the Avar people. They wield magic, although it is usually of the minor variety.
  12. That which destroys life, which is poisonous, destructive, evil, dangerous.
  13. white, blank, fair, blond(e), pallid; fallow, unbroken (as ground)
  14. (bayn) Noun: Fatal injury or ruin; A cause of death, destruction, or ruin; A deadly poison.
  15. That which causes death or destroys life, especially poison. An ancient Teutonic word which has become a part of the common name of many plants, based rightly or wrongly upon their perceived toxic qualities. The Baneberries (Actaea spp. ...
  16. Enemies take -1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
  17. A breed suggested by "Ankokou" #19098 released in October 2008. It features a snarling muzzle, claws, larger ears on a body similar to that of a Strandwolf or Brown Hyena, and a long lion-like tail. It is unique to the other designs, with more detail in the art. ...
  18. Anything destructive, poisonous or evil; also anything that causes death, ruin or harm. Wolf's Bane is an example of a poisonous herb used in various recipes.
  19. Something that is poisonous or destructive.
  20. (Rhymes with "mane") This means bad, evil or destructive.
  21. The destruction that non-Nefolians believe will be cast on the people of the Inner Realms for meddling with unnatural powers and forces — ie. learning how to use magic. (See Lucci and LuShi)
  22. Used to denote destructive qualities, or to kill; used often in the folk names of herbs; for example wolfsbane, henbane.
  23. Another word for bad, evil, destructive.
  24. A centaur Harry meets in the Forbidden Forest. Bane is not particularly friendly towards humans.
  25. Evil spirits that follow the Wyrm. Many different kinds of Banes exist, including Scrags, Kali, Psychomachiae and more.