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banding 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bandings, plural;
  1. The presence or formation of visible stripes of contrasting color
    • - the yellow and black banding of bees and wasps
  2. The pattern of regions on a chromosome made visible by staining

  3. The separation of molecules into bands of concentration in a gel

  4. The marking of individual birds or other animals with bands or rings
    • - banding is a useful tool for the study of migration

  1. band: a stripe or stripes of contrasting color; "chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands"; "the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps"
  2. band: an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
  3. (banded) identified with a band especially around a leg; "kept watch for the return of their banded birds"
  4. (banded) marked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture; "a banded rock"
  5. Banding is a medical procedure which uses elastic bands for constriction. Banding may be used to tie off blood vessels in order to stop bleeding, as in the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices. ...
  6. (banded) Anything tied with a band
  7. (Banded) (BAN-ded) -- Said of flowers and leaves that have strong lines of color, ribs, or similar markings.
  8. (Banded) A type of pattern variation where the dorsal saddles extend down the sides of the snake, touching or nearly touching the outer edges of the belly scales.
  9. (Banded) Definition: The term "banded" describes those birds who wear a band or bracelet around one of their ankles, usually indicating information about the bird's age and origin. ...
  10. (Banded) Energy is Projective and its Element is Fire. Restores bodily energy and eases stressful situations.
  11. (Banded) The 1" or 1¼" strapping that is pulled tight around the body of the coil to keep the wraps tight is still on the coil; not broken
  12. (Banded) When fabric is folded double and sewn down. Seen on tee shirt collars and staff shirt sleeves.
  13. (Banded) colored stripes visible to the naked eye on the overall hair.  The color changes radically in a short distance along the hair shaft.
  14. (Banded) enamel: Synonymous with Hunter-Schreger bands (Wahlert 1989).
  15. (Banded) horizontal color lines and other designs applied on china which from certain perspectives appear as concentric circles.
  16. (banded) A design of horizontal (i.e., in the weft direction) elements, either of solid colors or with patterns running across each band; as opposed to striped, running in a vertical (warp-wise) direction.
  17. (banded) A term describing a construction, such as
  18. (banded) Coccinella trifasciata
  19. A banded matrix has its non-zero elements within a `band' about the diagonal. The bandwidth of a matrix A is defined as the maximum of |i-j| for which aij is nonzero. The upper bandwidth is the maximum j-i for which aij is nonzero and j>i. ...
  20. The process of cementing orthodontic bands to your teeth.
  21. Method of packaging printed pieces of paper using rubber or paper bands.
  22. Depiction error often occurring in dark sections of an image when shooting with a high sensitivity setting. Smooth lines of brightness or colour look like bands of brightness or colour.
  23. Creating groups of customers or prospects based on selected criteria.
  24. Typically refers to exterior veneer of the home.  Banding is the trim installed around windows, doors, and other exterior architectural features of the home.  It can be made out of stucco, wood, or stone.
  25. When the changes from screen percentage to screen percentage in a gradient can be seen, instead of a solid blending from dark to light or from color to color.