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balsam 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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balsams, plural;
  1. An aromatic resinous substance, such as balm, exuded by various trees and shrubs and used as a base for certain fragrances and medical preparations

  2. An aromatic ointment or other resinous medicinal or cosmetic preparation

  3. A tree or shrub that yields balsam

  4. A herbaceous plant cultivated for its flowers, which are typically pink or purple and carried high on the stem

  1. any seed plant yielding balsam
  2. any of various fragrant oleoresins used in medicines and perfumes
  3. an ointment containing a fragrant resin
  4. Balsam is a term used to describe a variety of traditional Eastern European herbal, high alcohol content (40-45%) liqueurs originally used for medicinal purposes.
  5. Impatiens is a genus of about 850-1,000 species of flowering plants, widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere and tropics. Together with the puzzling Hydrocera triflora, this genus makes up the family Balsaminaceae. ...
  6. (The Balsams) The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel is a grand hotel and ski resort located in Dixville Notch in New Hampshire, United States. The hotel covers and features 95 kilometers of cross-country ski trails, an alpine ski area with 16 trails, five glade areas and a terrain park. ...
  7. A sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants; A plant or tree yielding such substance; A soothing ointment; Something soothing; A flowering plant of the genus Impatiens; A balsam fir; Canada balsam, a turpentine obtained from the resin of balsam fir
  8. (Balsams) Sticky, resinous materials obtained from trees or shrubs which give a combined sweet-woody odour associated with well-seasoned. non-coniferous woods such as maple.
  9. (BALSAMS) A turbid, viscid (sticky) , water-insoluble liquid resin. Any of certain transparent turpentines.
  10. (Balsams) These are the oleoresins that are a viscous liquid secreted by coniferous'. Although they mix with oils and varnishes, they don't mix with water and probably the most popular use of a balsam in painting is in Venice (or Venetian) turpentine.
  11. Balsam is a sticky resin that leaks out of trees when they’re cut. It’s used in perfume to create a woody scent.
  12. Light oily aromatic extracts from trees which cure into resins.
  13. This is more correctly called Canada balsam. It is a natural, colourless resin that is used to glue optical components, such as achromatic lenses, together.
  14. is, literally, natural oleo-resin from trees or plants. The meaning was extended to an oily or resinous preparation (often using turpentine) in which various substances were dissolved or combined, usually for external application or inhalation of its heated vapours.
  15. The resin of a tree that is healing and soothing. Example: myrrh
  16. Aromatic resin. In the North Country, an oleoresinous fluid occuring in blisters in the bark of the Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea), actually a true turpentine. Also a fragrant, resinous matter from the buds of the Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera). From the Old English balsam/balzama. ...
  17. is an agent which may be used to soothe or heal. It is a resinous liquid obtained from the fluid of trees.
  18. Cactus · Cowslip · Woodbine · Gentian · Laurel · Clover · Evergreen · Sorrel · Citrus · Conifer · Madrona · Tupelo
  19. a resinous semi-sold mass or viscous liquid exuded from a plant
  20. a water insoluble, semi-solid or viscous, resinous exudate of trees and bushes similar to gum resins.
  21. a) A substance which is soothing. b) A viscous substance obtained from trees or plants for use in medicinal remedies.
  22. a banana-flavored cordial produced in the West Indies.
  23. A natural raw material from trees or plants. They are preservatives and treat skin conditions
  24. A balsam is a resinous or waxy semi-solid compound that captures the essence of a liquid medicine or perfume. ...
  25. An oily resinous substance exuded by a plant in response to injury to its tissues.