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balmy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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balmier, comparative; balmiest, superlative;
  1. (of the weather) Pleasantly warm
    • - the balmy days of late summer
  2. Extremely foolish; eccentric
    • - this is a balmy decision
  3. Mad; crazy
    • - I think he's gone balmy again

  1. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy"
  2. mild and pleasant; "balmy days and nights"; "the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth"; "a soft breeze"
  3. Producing balm; Soothing or fragrant; Mild and pleasant; Foolish; slightly crazy or mad; eccentric
  4. something that soothes, heals or comforts, refreshing
  5. Sleepy, weak-minded, dull.
  6. variant spelling of barmy.