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balloting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ballots, 3rd person singular present; balloted, past tense; balloted, past participle; balloting, present participle;
  1. (of an organization) Elicit a secret vote from (members) on a particular issue
    • - the union is preparing to ballot its members on the same issue
  2. Cast one's vote on a particular issue
    • - ambulance crews balloted unanimously to reject the deal
  3. Decide the allocation of (something) to applicants by drawing lots

  1. vote: a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative; "there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion"; "they allowed just one vote per person"
  2. (Ballots) A ballot is a device (originally a small ball—see blackball) used to record choices made by voters. Each voter uses one ballot, and ballots are not shared. ...
  3. (BALLOTS) The forms used to collect consents or objections in reorganization proceeding, especially Chapter 11.
  4. (Ballots) Forms used by judges to make comments on a speaker's performance and also to rank and rate the speaker. Ballots go to the tab room where they are recorded and then placed in the school's packet. The packets are available to the schools at the conclusion of the awards ceremony. ...
  5. Once a draft of the standard is finalized in the Working Group, the draft is submitted for Balloting approval. The IEEE Standards Department sends an invitation-to-ballot to any individual who has expressed an interest in the subject matter of the standard. ...
  6. Voting on the acceptance or rejection of a candidate. Every member is required to vote conscientiously for the good of the Lodge