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bakeries 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bakeries, plural;
  1. A place where bread and cakes are made or sold
    • - delicious aromas wafting from the bakery
    • - an assortment of bakery goods
  2. Baked goods such as bread and cakes
    • - a table overflowing with homemade bakery and wine

  1. (bakery) a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold
  2. A bakery (also called baker's shop or bakehouse) is an establishment which produces or/and sells baked goods from an oven such as: bread, pies, bagels, pastries, cakes and cupcakes, biscuits, cookies, crackers, muffins, rolls, pretzels, doughnuts, and other items prepared by bakers. ...
  3. (Bakery (The Simple Life episode)) This is a complete list of episodes from the TV series The Simple Life starring Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. The series included 54 episodes and 2 specials that aired between January 20, 2004 and August 5, 2007 in the United States.
  4. (The Bakery) The Bakery is a 1921 silent comedy film featuring Oliver Hardy.
  5. (bakery) A shop in which bread (and often other baked goods such as cakes) is baked and/or sold
  6. (BAKERY) Dreaming that you are in a bakery is a sign that you will have a large family; if you are baking bread or cake, your salary will rise as bread rises; if you are watching someone baking, good news will come to you from far away.
  7. (The Bakery) Nickname of a party house down the streets from the frats.
  8. (The Bakery) Privately run student hall in Cardiff, operated by Unite Accommodation.
  9. (the bakery) Stage built by the Children s Theatre Company in the 70s. Official name is "La Casa degli Allegri Panini" ("House of the Laughing Buns"). Cast portrays the Panini family of Italian bakers.