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baiting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baiting, present participle; baited, past tense; baited, past participle; baits, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Deliberately annoy or taunt (someone)
    • - the other boys reveled in baiting him about his love of literature
  2. Torment (a trapped or restrained animal), esp. by allowing dogs to attack it

  3. Prepare (a hook, trap, net, or fishing area) with bait to entice fish or animals as prey
    • - she baited a trap with carrots and corn
  4. Lure; entice
    • - workers baited by your carrot powers of hiring
  5. Stop on a journey to take food or a rest
    • - they stopped to bait at an inn
  6. Give food to (horses) on a journey
    • - while their horses were baited, they entered the public room

  1. harassment especially of a tethered animal
  2. (bait) anything that serves as an enticement
  3. (bait) tease: harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
  4. (bait) lure, entice, or entrap with bait
  5. (bait) something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
  6. (bait) attack with dogs or set dogs upon
  7. Bait or Baiting is the act of worrying or tormenting a chained or confined animal by setting game dogs upon it for sport. The dogs bite, and tear to subdue the opposing animal by incapacitating or killing it. Baiting is a blood sport used for entertainment and gambling. ...
  8. (Bait (film)) Bait is a 2000 comedy-crime film starring Jamie Foxx and David Morse. It was directed by Antoine Fuqua.
  9. (Bait (luring substance)) Bait is any substance used to attract prey, e.g. in a mousetrap.
  10. (Bait (novel)) Alex Sánchez is a Mexican-American author of award-winning novels for teens and adults. His first novel, Rainbow Boys (2001), was selected by the American Library Association (ALA), as a “Best Book for Young Adults”. ...
  11. (Bait (poetry)) A beit (also spelled bait) is a unit of poetry of Arabic poetry and Persian roots.
  12. (Bait (soundtrack)) Bait is the soundtrack to the 2000 action-comedy film, Bait. It was released on September 12, 2000 by Warner Bros. Records and featured a blend of hip hop and R&B music. ...
  13. (bait) Any substance, especially food, used in catching fish, or other animals, by alluring them to a hook, snare, trap, or net; Food containing poison or a harmful additive to kill animals that are pests; Anything which allures; a lure; enticement; temptation; A portion of food or drink, as a ...
  14. (BAIT) Natural attractant added to a hook to catch fish.  Bait includes live and dead baitfish, crabs, crayfish, worms, eels, insects, mussels, clams, cut bait (fish), chicken livers, corn kernels, dough balls, squid, and shrimp.
  15. (bait) Can mean live bait or artificial bait, such as a lure.
  16. (Bait) The food or object the handler uses to focus the dog's attention or to have it look alert in the ring.
  17. (Bait) A small bet to encourage a raise.
  18. (Bait) Usually refers to live bait put on a hook (worms, minnows, insects, crabs, etc.).
  19. (bait) food or other attractant used to attract an animal
  20. (BAIT) To dream of bait warns you not to put your trust in people who go out of their way to please you. Placing bait onto a hook indicates great happiness. To have others baiting you for their pleasure warns you not to blindly trust people.
  21. (BAIT) Type of pesticide formulation where the toxicant is mixed with a potential food that would ordinarily be attractive for the pest, such as cereal bran or fruit pomace.
  22. (BAIT) bacterial automated identification technique
  23. (Bait) (1) Living creatures or natural substances used to attract fish e.g. worms, prawns or dough.
  24. (Bait) (n) 1. A derogatory term for an individual who is perceived as weak; likely to be consumed by zombies 2. Civilians who have been intentionally left behind by the authorities as part of an evacuation strategy. 3. ...
  25. (Bait) A lower level, poorly equipped character who is used to attract any enemy looking for an easy kill. When the would be killer approaches, a large group of the bait's friends spring out of their hiding places and kills the attacker, with luck - before he gets to the bait.